Location: Jefferson County, Missouri
County: Jefferson
Weber Hill Terrace/Warren Woods Sanitary Sewer Improvements – The Project consists of constructing approximately 23,400 lineal feet of 1.25-inch, 2-inch, 3-inch and 4-inch pressure sewer main, 161 grinder pumps and appurtenances.
Project Bid: January 22, 2021
Project Awarded: February 10, 2021, Kelpe Contracting, Inc.
Construction Start:
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Heneghan and Associates, P.C.
Email: swelliott@heneghanassoc.com
Phone: 618-498-6418
J.H. Berra Construction Co. Inc.
Email: kbielicki@jhberra.com
Phone: 314-487-5617
Email: eplan@eplanbidding.com
Phone: 573-447-7130
R. L. Persons Construction, Inc.
Email: scrook@rlpersons.com
Phone: 573-686-1323
Jefferson County Public Sewer District
Kelpe Contracting
Email: mwarnecke@kelpe.com
Phone: 314-581-5076
K.J. Unnerstall Construction, Inc.
Email: dennisr@kjunic.com
Phone: 314-220-0543
Pavement Solutions, LLC
Email: rhaley@pavementstl.com
Phone: 636-970-2712
Unnerstall Contracting Company, LLC
Email: ucc2803@hotmail.com
Phone: 636-257-3003
R&K Excavation, Inc.
Email: kmassie@rkexc.com
Phone: 636-937-1268
Wehmeyer Farms, Inc.
Email: kim@wehmeyerfarms.com
Phone: 314-574-5517