CASE STUDY: Jersey County Highway Department – Jersey County, Illinois

Delhi to Brighton Road

Client Need

The road from Delhi to Brighton consisted of deteriorating pavement and numerous public safety issues. It had an excessive roadway crown and poor roadway base with varying pavement and shoulder width. The roadway profile was inconsistent and did not meet current IDOT policy.

HA Engineered Solution

The process began with coordination between the County, IDOT, and Railroad Company. Public Information Meetings were held to keep everyone informed on details and updates regarding the project. Design and Right of Way documents were established along with IDOT letting and construction. HA performed Topographic and Land Surveying services, along with engineering design. A Project Development Report was created, along with Plans, Specifications and Estimates, and ROW/Easement documents.

Results of HA/Client Partnership

The project resulted in 5.6 miles, for all 3 phases, of combined rural highway reconstruction consisting of full-depth reclamation with cement, including road widening and new shoulders, HMA pavement, horizontal and vertical realignment, guardrails, drainage improvements, replacement of crossroad and driveway culverts, utility adjustments, and railroad coordination. In addition, horizontal and vertical realignments were completed, along with guardrail improvements and reductions, utility relocations, and railroad crossing improvements. Improvements were also made to Type A gutters, culverts, and ditch drainage. The project has resulted in a long-term roadway surface, which is much safer for the traveling public.


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