Location: City of Mt. Vernon, Illinois
County: Jefferson
Lift Station #14 Replacement: construction of a replacement triplex pump station, valve vault, electrical controls, telemetry, new generator, 18” diameter force main and associated site piping.
Funding Agency: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency – Water Pollution Control Loan
Bid Opening: October 27, 2020
Construction Start:
The Engineer’s Estimate is N/A
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Heneghan and Associates, P.C.
Email: llbowlin@heneghanassoc.com
Phone: 618-533-6525
Gelly Excavation & Construction, Inc.
Email: bill@gellyexcavating.com
Phone: 618-654-3917
Korte & Luitjohan Contractors, Inc.
Email: mattmuckensturm@korteluitjohan.com
Phone: 618-654-9877