CASE STUDY: Village of Kane, Greene County, IL – Waste Water Installation

Client Need

Kane residents currently treat their waste utilizing septic tanks, sand filters, and other individual onsite treatment and disposal systems. The high water table within the Village, coupled with aging private treatment and disposal systems that are often of inadequate capacity, have led to health and safety concerns for the residents. A Village-wide wastewater collection and treatment project had been discussed for decades, and HA recently approached Kane about some new funding that was available from USDA Rural Development.

HA Engineered Solution

HA partnered with Kane and USDA Rural Development to assist with preliminary engineering and funding assistance. A Rural Development SEARCH grant was obtained initially, allowing HA to complete the necessary planning and preliminary engineering report (PER) document, required for a project of this magnitude. The PER provided Kane with various wastewater collection/treatment alternatives, funding options, and estimated monthly user-rates in a concise report that both the Village and funding agencies could utilize for making decisions. Kane decided to proceed with a project, and HA utilized its funding ingenuity to capture $3.4M of grant dollars coupled with low-interest, fixed -rate loan financing from Rural Development. At an Earth Day event in April 2016, USDA representatives from both the State and National Offices announced the Section 6025 specialty funding to Kane.

Results of HA/Client Partnership

The project established a community-wide collection/ treatment system for all wastewater needs, in accordance with current IEPA regulations. The project consists of 20,500 lineal feet of 8-inch and 12-inch diameter PVC gravity sewer collection main,180 gpm duplex lift station, 70 manholes, over 160 service connections, and 5.5 miles of 6-inch PVC force main to nearby Jerseyville, who will provide bulk wastewater treatment for Kane utilizing existing treatment infrastructure. The project was a cooperative funding effort among Kane, USDA Rural Development, and HA, and will result in maintaining user-rates at an affordable level.


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