Location: Nutwood, Illinois
County: Jersey
The Proposed Pump #3 Improvements project consists of rebuilding the diesel engine and transmission for the pump, installation of 42″ knife valve, 42″ check valve, and surface restoration.
The project is funded by a $381,033 grant from the CDAP.
The project has been awarded to Davinroy Mechanical Contractor, Inc.. with an expected completion in Winter of 2018.
The Engineer’s Estimate is $160,000.
Downloadable Documents
Plans & Specifications in ZIP File
Plans in TIFF Format in ZIP File
Addendum #1
Addendum #2
Heneghan and Associates, P.C.
Email: jalott@heneghanassoc.com |
Haier Plumbing and Heating, Inc.
Email: office@haierplumbing.com |
Davinroy Mechanical
Email: davinroymech@peaknet.net |
Trikote, LLC
Email: trikote@mail.com |