Location: City of Litchfield, Illinois
County: Montgomery
The South Side Ditch Drainage Improvements – Phase 1 project consists of the installation of 2,250 feet of various size storm sewer pipe and related structures, regrading of drainage ditches, erosion control, utility adjustments, and other drainage improvements.
Bid Opening: October 21, 2020
Award: November 5, 2020 for Gelly Excavating & Construction, Inc. $507,661.00
Notice to Proceed: December 17, 2020
Construction Start: January 18, 2021
Construction End: April 2021
The Engineer’s Estimate is N/A
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Heneghan and Associates, P.C.
Email: jalott@heneghanassoc.com
Phone: 618-498-6418
L.W. Contractors, Inc.
Email: chris@lwcontractors.com
Phone: 618-344-6353
Kamadulski Excavating & Grading Co., Inc
Email: lois@kamadulski.com
Phone: 618-931-3760
B&M Services
Email: mjreynolds1967@gmail.com
Phone: 217-556-1670
City of Litchfield
Email: cityadmin@cityoflitchfieldil.com
Phone: 217-324-5253
Stutz Excavating, Inc.
Email: Valerie@stutzexcavating.com
Phone: 618-259-2485
Haier Plumbing and Heating, Inc.
Email: office@haierplumbing.com
Phone: 618-243-5908
RCS Construction, Inc.
Email: brad@rcs-construction.com
Phone: 618-254-3816
Gelly Excavating & Construction, Inc.
Email: bill@gellyexcavating.com
Phone: 618-654-3917
Kinney Contractors
Email: kinney@roadbuilder.net
Phone: 217-229-3322
Maul Excavating, Inc.
Email: macmccormick785@yahoo.com
Phone: 618-372-0000