Village of Kane – Wastewater System Installation
USDA Rural Development Earth Day Event
April 21, 2016
As part of USDA’s nationwide Earth Day project, The Village of Kane, located in rural Greene County, Illinois, received their federal funding commitment today, for construction of its new Village-wide wastewater collection and treatment project!
RUS Administrator Brandon McBride from the Washington, D.C. office, announced that the Kane construction project was funded by Rural Development from a specialized national program resulting from the 2014 Farm Bill, called Section 6025: Strategic Economic and Community Development.
Out with the old, in with the new!
Heneghan & Associates, P.C. is excited to begin, after years of discussion, and planning efforts that began two years ago, updating this aging private treatment and disposal system. The high water table within the Village, coupled with aging private treatment and disposal systems that are often of inadequate capacity, have led to health and safety concerns for the residents.
Residents currently treat their waste utilizing septic tanks, sand filters, and other individual onsite treatment and disposal systems.
The Proposed Project
To establish a community-wide collection/treatment system for all wastewater needs, in accordance with current IEPA regulations.
The current project concept consists of:
- 16,000 feet of 8-inch diameter PVC gravity sewer collection main
- 70 manholes
- Over 160 service connections
- Centralized life station
- 6 miles of PVC force main to nearby Jerseyville, who will provide bulk wastewater treatment for Kane utilizing existing treatment infrastructure.
Estimated cost
Project costs are estimated at $3.4M, with funding provided exclusively by grant and low-interest loan funds from USDA Rural Development.
The project is expected to begin construction in 2017.
Project Leaders & Funding
Instrumental leaders in assisting Kane with the funding acquisition process:
- Bobett Dunphy and Dwight Reynolds from USDA’s local Jacksonville area office
- Mike Wallace from the Champaign State office
Rural Development
Rural Development assisted Kane late year with a SEARCH grant, which allows rural communities to complete the necessary planning and preliminary engineering components of a project of this magnitude.
Kane and Greene County being proactive about including infrastructure improvement projects in long-range planning efforts, and the regional partnership aspect of transmitting waste from Kane to Jerseyville for treatment, both allowed this project to fit perfectly within Rural Development’s priority for the specialized funding program. The $3.4M project would not be feasible without the grant assistance and long-term, fixed-rate loan financing from Rural Development.
Management of the new system will be overseen by the Village Board consisting of the following:
- Village President – Mike Plummer
- Trustees – Ryan Freeman, Becky Jackson, Deida Scogins, Jerry Vanderpool, Greg Walters, and Kendra Young
- Treasurer – Priscella Prough
- Village Clerk – Amanda Tisdale
Professional services
**Professional services related to the project will be provided locally**
- Heneghan & Associates of Jerseyville will provide funding acquisition, IEPA permitting, and construction services
- Gustine & Theivagt of Carrollton will handle legal services and easement preparation
- Loy Miller Talley of Jerseyville will provide for accounting needs.